
我们在亚洲和北美的 6 个原料药基地每年为全球数千名客户提供原料药和高级中间体的工艺开发和生产服务。
- 研发:我们的原料药研发团队拥有超过 4,000 名工艺化学和分析科学家,可以在各个阶段快速且高质量地支持您的项目。
- 分析和质量控制:我们经验丰富的分析和 QC 团队在我们的每个生产基地都可以满足您的分析需求。
- 生产:我们的全球基地整合了起始物料、中间体和原料药的生产,能够提供稳健可靠的供应链。我们的反应釜总体积超过 3,700 立方米,可确保任何项目都有充足的产能。
Why WuXi STA?

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2.5 weeks/step for API Process Development and Manufacturing toward IND filing.
One of the largest API process R&D organizations with 4,200+ process chemists & analytical scientists. 70%+ team members have Master or Ph.D. degrees.
Global Quality Standard
Proven quality system across all sites inspected by major regulatory agencies including
US FDA, EMA, China NMPA, Japan PMDA, Korea MFDS, SwissMedic, etc.
9 sites specializing API Process R&D and Manufacturing around the world with over 3,000 m3 Total Reactor Volume (TRV), and our capacity is still fast expanding.
Green Chemistry
A global ESG pioneer incorporating the green chemistry concept seamlessly into API process R&D and manufacturing with State-of-the-art facilities and advanced enabling technologies.